Environmental Portraits

Environmental Portraits
These are a special type of portrait where the subjects are captured in a location that helps tell their story. The portraits can be candid or posed. Examples of environmental portraits can be seen in a project we worked on with the Monmouth County Arts Council. Fifty photographs were taken in a setting that helped tell the story of each individual. You can view the gallery here. It was unveiled at the Monmouth County Arts Golden Celebration in September 2022.
These portraits are unique because the photography takes place in surroundings that are important to the subject. Therefore, it could be a workplace. Or it could be a setting where a particularly interesting hobby is taking place. Perhaps in an environment where the subject is most comfortable. In other words, the photograph will capture the essence of the person, and what is important to the person.
The effectiveness of an environmental portrait is very impactful. These photographs convey emotion. They also convey any message you want to communicate. Have a specific audience in mind? We will reach them with a carefully planned out photograph. Furthermore, you can choose what medium is best for you to convey that message to that audience.
We would enjoy speaking with you about how we can bring you or someone you know to light with an environmental portrait. Businesses and other organizations can also benefit from environmental portraits. Whether you are a community organization or a business, we can bring to light a special message for your audience. Please use the Contact Us page to get in touch with us. We will get back to you right away.
Our Photography Meets Marketing blog goes into greater depth about this and other topics.
Photo: A dog walker in Madison Square Park, NYC with his canine clients.